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Allergies from dust, pollen, or mold are, unfortunately, very common, and they certainly have an impact on your comfort and quality of life. Over 25 million Americans suffer from asthma, and the number continues to increase. Whether in your home or your office, there are certain things you can do with about HVAC to significantly reduce the risk of allergies, or at least keep them under control.

Maintain Your HVAC System

Once installed, your HVAC system needs a regular checkup and scheduled maintenance. Have a professional do the checkup yearly to ensure the refrigerant levels are at an optimum level, clean the coils, and make sure the moving parts are good. It is very important to clean the air ducts from accumulated dust to prevent from dust allergies.

HVAC Fabrication & Installation CompanyReplace Air Filters

It is recommended checking the air filter on a monthly basis to see if and how much dust has accumulated in them. The function of the air filter is to keep dust at bay from entering the indoor air but also protect the system.

Optimize Air Humidity

Mold thrives in humid environments because high humidity encourages the growth of pests. The level of air humidity should not exceed 50%, and ideally should not drop below 25%. During the summer months, a dehumidifier is a good option for reducing the humidity in the air to 50%. In cases when the air is too dry, an air humidifier can keep the optimum level of humidity of at least 30% in indoor air.

Keep the Space Clean

In the end, it does not all solely depend on the air conditioner. Accumulated dust in “hidden” places like carpets or textile upholstery can be the causing factors of allergies and worsen the symptoms of asthma. Besides frequent dusting and mopping, it is recommended to use a vacuum cleaner with HEPA filters (at least) to keep the dust particles at a minimum.

If you are not sure whether your air conditioner is properly cleaned or needs a check-up, feel free to contact us.

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